Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Child's Name Change - Chapter 45 of the TX Family Code

If the child is over the age of 10, the child must submit in writing that they really want the name change.  The reason for the name change must be stated. 

Adult Name Chapter - Chapter 45

A lot more information is required.  You can read the requirements in the TX Family Code.
A finger print card is required.  I have clients get 2 finger print cards.  The reason for the name change is required.  If a person is trying to avoid creditors or has a serious criminal record, the court will NOT do a name change. 

Some courts will NOT do a name change without an attorney.  It's up to the Judge.

In Harris County, the civil courts require all the paperwork when the petition is submitted.

In Harris County, the family courts do NOT require all the paperwork when the petition is submitted.

Some judges handle adult name changes a bit different than other judges. 

Several pro se petitioners have ended up hiring me after trying to do an adult name change on their own.  I have been able to get an adult name change finalized after they have been unable to do it on their own.  Why?  I know what the individual judge wants and the pro se petitioner does not understand the legal system.  Each client has said that my fee was worth every penny.
They each said that they wished they had hired me at the beginning instead of trying to do it themselves.

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