Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Parental Liability

Chapter 41 of the TX Family Code

A parent can be held liable for up to $25,000 in damages for negligent or malicious acts of a child. 

A parent or any other person who has the duty of control and reasonable discipline of a child is liable for any PROPERTY DAMAGE proximately caused by THE NEGLIGENT CONDUCT OF THE CHILD if the conduct is reasonably attribuable to the negligent failure of the parent or other person to exercise that duty OR the wilful and malicious conduct of a child who is at LEAST 10 YEARS OLD but is under 18 YEARS OLD.

Damages can be $25,000 per occurrence plus court costs and reasonable attorneys fees.

Damages to a hotel or inn - per occurrence means one incident in a single day in one hotel room.  This term does not include incidents in separate rooms or incidents that occur on different days!

Parents beware of prom week-ends and groups of hotel rooms!

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