September 17th is Constitution Day.
What will be happening in Houston on that day?
All citizens who report for jury duty will receive a pocket-size copy of the Constitution that day.
The Houston Bar Association (HBA) is recruiting volunteer attorneys to speak at local elementary schools to spend an hour at classes to speak to students about the U S Constitution. and education children about the importance of the U S Constitution. Attorneys will read a book then the book will be donated to the school's library. I don't know the name of the book that is being donated - it was not mentioned in the article in the Houston Bar Bulletin for September-October, 2012.
The HBA and the Houston Chronicle will partner again this year to provide classroom guides to teach middle and high school students about the Constituion and how it affects their daily lives. Teachers are provided with "The Constitution in the News," an eductional curriculum that examines court rulings on issues such as student drug testing, file sharing, wiretapping, First Amendment issues, student cheating and gun laws, as wells as how the news media covers the issues. These guides are available free of charge to classrooms.
Happy Constitution Day!
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