Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What do I do if I was married outside of Texas?

If you have lived in Texas for at least 6 months and in the same county for 90 days, then you can file for divorce in Texas. The only problem that might arise if you moved here after you separated and your spouse never has set foot inside the State of Texas. If your spouse has never been to Texas, you need to hire an attorney and discuss the options available to you. It's too complicated here to go into detail. So: If you are from Louisiana, New York, Brazil, England or Russia, if you have lived in the State of Texas for 6 months and in the same county for 90 days, Texas has jurisdiction to grant you a divorce. However, if you move every 60 days to a new county but they are all inside the State of Texas, stay put for 90 days in the SAME county and then file for divorce.

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